
In the UK, PD6662 is a Code of Practise that co-ordinates the requirements of EN50131-1 with DD243:2004.

In the UK, BSI (British Standards Institute) has released PD6662 to ‘fill in the gaps’ where ENs are yet to be released.  When installing intruder alarm systems, it is important that you consider EN50131-1 and EN50131-7, but the primary document must be PD6662. 

In some areas, there are differences between PD6662 and the ENs, but where there are differences, always use the requirements in PD6662. 

As an example, consider the requirements for the standby battery.  EN50131-1 requires 12 hours standby for Grades 1 & 2, and 60 hours for Grades 3 & 4.  If Mains Fail is transmitted to the ARC, then the standby for Grades 3 & 4 may be halved to30 hours.

PD6662, however, calls for 12 hours standby for Grades 1 & 2, but only 24 hours for Grades 3 & 4.  Again, if Mains Fail is transmitted to the ARC, the standby for Grades 3 & 4 may be halved to 12 hours.

PD6662 also includes requirements for Identity Cards, Preventative Maintenance and Remote Systems Checks, so it is imperative that all installers have a copy of this document, available from BSI.